How to pronounce Akoma
The meaning and philosophical significance of Akoma
Akoma means “heart,” and it is a symbol of love, goodwill, patience, faithfulness, fondness, endurance, and consistency.
Though the heart shape is a universal symbol representing love, it is also an Adinkra symbol with a slighty different meaning. As an Adinkra, the heart shape represents patience and tolerance.
In Akan, “Nya akoma,” literally “Get a heart” means take heart–be patient. Conversely, one who is impatient is said not to have a heart: “Onni akoma.”
Akan proverbs on patience
Se wonya abotre dwa ntetea a wo hu ne nsono Hwimhwim adee ko srosro
- The meaning of the symbol was taken from The Adinkra Dictionary by W. Bruce Willis.
- The image of the symbol was taken from the Kasahorow Adinkra Library.